I contemplate a way to share my Christmas, this festive period, in my Vietnamese 'Winter Wonderland'...
The best way I can share is an ode to a traditional Christmas Song...
~0n The First Day of Christmas~
(my true love sent to me)
~On the twelfth day of Christmas~
my Vietnam sojourn sent to me...
12 Vietnamese men, drinking coffee and playing checkers~
11 Chickens? (In soda cans??)

10 Bags of Fresh Noodles~
9 -ty Million Motorbikes~
8 Morning Roadside Beef Pho Snafflers~
7 Water Puppets Telling a Story (unusual one at that; possibly about a mystical lake)~
6 Roasted Roadside Piggies~
5 Poolside Gods (we have landed in some good digs ;-))

4 Buddhas at Yoga~
3 Vietnamese Ladies~
2 Vietnamese Coffee (NOTHING COMPARES NOW) and 2 of all things lovely because there are 2 friends to share (friendship that feels like family, nothing compares and hence we are sorted for Christmas)~
and a surprising amount of peace; scattered in and around our days, like softly falling snowflakes...
Maybe, just maybe, Eve and I will have a visit from Father Christmas. Aka Mama Wolff in this case, thanks in advance for a parcel, I do not wish to be present-less tomorrow morning! Not sure if Santa makes it here...But as I write my Christmas blog effort, I spot a statue to the left of the Gods around the pool.
And surely there must be a motorbike that can escort a sack of presents (worthy of our excellent behaviour) to our little Mui Ne Christmas abode? Aside from a Vietnamese coffee addiction, we have both been very good.
One for me and one for Eve? Thanks, Santa! And thank you, Vietnam, for hosting our very (Merry) Vietnamese Christmas!
HAPPY CHRISTMAS, EVERYONE! I say cheers with a Vietnamese coffee!