Rating PG~ Parents should advise children to pack correctly, ensure they take thermal underwear and ensure they know which season they will travel the country.
Set in the majestic and ever changing sceneries and landscapes of New Zealand, a group of seemingly random folk from all around the world are gathered on one bus. This bus will traverse the length of NZ, placing the characters in all sorts of new and wonderful places. The bus will also be a vehicle of incarceration for many hours. Although it appears this motley crew have been strewn from all corners of the world in a haphazard way, there is union in their shared love of new places, people and the outdoors. This unity will prevail in a sweeping tale of hopeful romance, adventure, friendships, nature and the outdoors.
Sweeping music builds as a montage of images appear as the camera dives through the cove. A star is revealed here: the landscape.
Credits roll over the image of travellers smiling, climbing aboard a bus, escaping the drizzle from a grey Auckland morning. Many clutch take out coffees, some are settled and appear established in their seats. Others are evidently new and look around for an unclaimed spot.
Worldwide Princess Tales Proudly Presents an Arthouse Independent Production
New Zealand (A character with many faces)
The Flying Kiwis
The bus starts with a round on the microphone and the dreaded, "My name is and I am from...'etc. So this is how the characters of this particular tale are introduced. Needless to say, this certainly breaks the ice and allows our characters to learn a little of one another. Amy, the guide, NZ-er all over is open, all smiles, young, energetic and respected by her tour group.
So, let's go guys. Favourite part of newbies arriving- the hot seat! Come up to the front and speak into the microphone. Tell us your name, where you are from and what you are most looking forward to. It is as easy as that!
(in a strong London accent and talking fast)
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Paul |
Hi, I am Paul. A pastry chef from London and I am looking forward to it all. Didn't realise that I was camping but you know. Just been in Australia and it is cold here but I will wear my shorts because I am on my holidays!
(overheard to his wife Renee,an American accent) Could you understand any of that?
(laughing a great laugh and whispering back) Is he from London? England?
(her sporty demeanour is clear in her movements as she gets to the front of the already moving bus)
I am Elien, I am from Belgium and I am most looking forward to bungee jumping, skydiving and all the adrenaline stuff, oh yeah!
The group clap and whistle. Someone comments on her dune boarding.
It is clear that this character is a sporty, adrenaline junkie.
(begins with confidence but falters near the end, blushing slightly)
Hi, I am Jess, from England. Been travelling for about 7 months and I am most looking forward to being in the hands of a tour and not having to negotiate, work out my next move. That kind of thing.
Claps and encouraging whoops.
Chuck. From California. And I can not wait for more cycling.
Laughter erupts on the bus and it is clear that something has gone on...
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Renee, Larry, Alfredo, Marie, Chuck |
Dissolve to a group image, displaying the bonds soon to be formed. Voiceovers of other introductions fade and snippets of names, countries and laughter can be hear: Emma from Cambridge has arrived and her luggage has been lost and the group reacts with immediate offers of spare gloves and fleeces, Monja from Germany is a Flying Kiwi intern, Alfredo from Spain apologises for his English to which there is a chorus of 'What? It is amazing! We can not speak Spanish.' Fades out.
Riot and mirth prevail. Conversation is dominated by Chuck and Paul. Some people move around. Renee reads and laughs at some of the dialogue. It is a great laugh. Clipboards are passed around with potential outdoorsy activities to sign up for.
~North Island~
The script was scrapped for this part of the Island- it was somewhat of a carry on film. Our happy campers formed quick bonds as they dealt with numerous slapstick moments, comic errors and strife. Including: a driver who was continuously lost; a broken down bus which had a jack knifed trailer in the middle of the road; late arrivals to camps; late dining as a result of late arrivals; cold, cold weather conditions; fatigue from cold camping conditions; a stinking bus from the damp. A hideous hike where icy rain was relentless in the dismayed faces of the adventurers. The lake they eventually made it to could hardly be seen. Wet, cold, miserable and a hint of disdain for the scenery, did not happy campers make. Many thought it looked like Scotland (beautiful but we had not come to NZ for Scottish heather lands). Catherine and Jess reasoned that they would never dream of going for a hike in these sorts of conditions back home and this hike was only undertaken because the eagerly anticipated and prepared for Tongariro Alpine Crossing was out of bounds because of the adverse weather conditions. Of course, things were not all bad. A dip in a hot pools, fish and chips, time with new friends, hilarity and bonding over all the mishaps. One dip in some waterfalls enraged some hungry members of a group (that would be me!) The clueless driver told us it was a 15 minute walk to town. Therefore time for lunch and picking up our personal groceries. It took over 50 minutes and were a little miffed to say the least. Especially as we were on the bus, rushed and the driver proceeded to fetch himself a coffee.
(standing at the front of the bus)
Kia Ora!
(but Paul with particular fervour, rising out of his seat, arms in the air and surfer out hand signals)
I know it has been a bit tough guys, but I promise that the South Island will make up for some of the flack we had on the North. We have a new driver, this is Sal.
Sally is tall, athletic, in gum boots, shorts and a baseball hat. She looks strong and capable. Sort of unassuming and shy at the same time.
(grinning from ear to ear)
We are so lucky to have her- she is the best, guys. We are going to rock the South Island and the sun is shining for us!
There are raised eyebrows about the potential whereabouts of the last driver but the campers are happy to have a clean, new bus and a capable looking guide.
As Amy promised, the sun is shining and all have had a wonderful day in Kaikoura. Being warm in the tent makes a massive difference and there is much joy over the barbecue and timely dinner.
Some of the crew are gathered in the kitchen, others preparing for bed and a few undecided about a rare night out in the quiet town. Amy has promised live music and a good local atmosphere. Jess is one of those and is stood by the sink, her first opportunity to check messages in days.
My God.
Amy intuitively senses something is wrong and moves towards her, as Jess has started to cry.
What is it?
My friend. A colleague. She has died…I will come with you guys. Give me a minute.
The air is cool and the streets are dark, quiet, in fact deserted. Jess is pensive as she walks along. Alfredo and Paul walk alongside, in silent sympathy and support.
It was a complete shock. But she was very ill. I did not know this. She was young.
(His sensitive manner is clear and in his Spanish accent and gentlemanly way he comforts Jess.)
The gang approaches the Irish bar and the strums of a guitar and a voice trails into the air like perfume. The words of ‘Hallelujah’ fill the air casting a spell. A cosmic energy consumes this small pub. There are two others listening to the singer in the small room- her mother and an elderly man. the group go to the bar and Jess joins the small audience. The son means something to her, she is magnetised by the powers of the song and singer and is swaying. She does not need a drink. Now the audience has grown sizeably and the singer interacts with her appreciative crowd. She belts out a variety of songs and style, a true talent.
A montage of songs, words and dancing. There is something special about this evening. Chuck spins the girls. Eilien and Jess hardly stop dancing. Monja has everyone imitating her Lady Gaga moves. A local man shows up. He has been at a salsa evening and he takes Jess in his arms and leads her in a series of moves, a choreography that she can somehow melt into. He is an expert.
(raising an eyebrows in a gesture to her mother, who has been acting like a bartender for her daughter throughout the night)
Another white wine, Ma.
Any requests, folks?
(negotitatiing the guitar and words)
Here we are now! It’s contagious!
Head banging and air guitars from her audience ensues. Others have gravitated here too. A young, large, muscly man in a tank top. He is bare foot, slightly feral in appearance and appreciates the rock numbers that she belts out.
Jess requests she sings ‘Hallelujah’ once more, her final song. The friends embrace, sway and join with the song, throwing their heads back in abandon and release. It feels ceremonious, it is 1:30 am.
The friends eventually gather their belonging, thanking the pub staff. Jess goes to the singer and hugs her.
That meant so much tonight. Every song was just what I needed to hear. Thank you.
Thank you. You were great to sing to.
(passing the barefoot man)
Good night to you!
I have to hug you. You have an aura about you.
He grabs her and hugs her.
Wow. You are sweaty!
She nods and grins, thanking him and peeling from the damp embrace. The group have created a steamy room, with their dance and song. Jess did not leave the dance floor once and moved so closely with Graham, the smooth operator, that she is drenched. They exit the pub, their numbers have dwindled.
This way everyone.
I will trust Catherine.
Got to hand it to that singer. She gave everything we threw at her. Even Nirvana. I was half joking.
And Jess, hey with Graham! He had moves and what a dancer you are!
It really was all him! I have never danced like that- he was an amazing leader and I just let myself be led. It felt amazing.
When he grabbed me he was so hot and sweaty, No, I am pretty sure it is this way. Left, Paul, not right.
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Catherine |
The boys Paul, Alfredo and Chuck banter and Catherine and Jess can not stop laughing as they try to make their way back to the hostel.
Here we are Catherine, with these men going on! They are like naughty boys! The Spaniard, the American and the Brit! It is quite the combination.
Fade into the hostel and the girls in their dark room. Others slumber and they stop outs creep around in the darkness. Jess climbs into bed and Catherine is in the bunk opposite. They mouth good night and Catherine’s understanding of Jess’s emotions are clear. She is sensitive and kind person and her final glance over is one of reassurance and comfort. Under the covers Jess is app ing with a friend, the bearer of the sad news. From then on, each night, when she goes to sleep, she thinks of this terribly sad death, and falls to sleep, remembering to embrace life.
Head torch on, two sleeping bags wrapped tightly around, the odd shiver and breath seen in the light of the torch. This and the lingering camera makes it clear this will be a long night, without much sleep. Unable to be warm, Jess is transfixed by the kindle she holds as close as possible, her hands awkwardly poke out he bag and are covered in socks.
Words drift across the screen, as do the images from the mountainous back drops the campers have enjoyed on their Southern travels.
The summit pyramid pierced the clouds…the mountain drew its cloak tight…peaks that garlanded…knife edged summit ridges, sharpened eerily by the moonlight…granite spears...glacier barely disturbs this still cathedral of rock and ice...incredible view that would satisfy an artist just as well as a mountaineer...architectural perfection of the mountains...
In the immensity of these ranges, at the limit of existence when men may visit but cannot dwell, life has a new importance…but Mountains are not chivalrous, one forgets their violence. Indifferently they lash those who venture among them with snow, rock, wind, cold. ~George Schaller, Stones of Silence
(she has pen and paper in hand and is taking notes, deep in thought)
These descriptions of the mountains draw a perfect parallel to the lands and vistas we encounter. Adjectives that I grapple with have not the power to paint the pictures of the endless sights to behold. Devouring these three books while journeying around these free and open lands makes for a heightened experience.
The books have me transfixed. Dave from Long Beach had sold me on his synopsis of ‘Into the Wild’. I read Jon Krakauer’s words and find myself immersed in this true story. Descriptions of nature resonate, the desire to leave it all behind strikes a chord and the feelings related to being in nature speak to me. But what reassures me, as Krakauer almost profiles this type of person willing to push these things to the extremities is that I am not that person. And although I believe myself to be freezing, I am not in Alaska, or on my 8th night in Base Camp on Everest. I am not surrounded by snow (there was, however, slush washing up from the waves on the beach one morning); although the air in my tent teases me with being on the verge of crystalline, I know it is not. I feel these books soaking into my bones and as I read 'Three Cups of Tea', feeling so mesmerised and inspired, I do not realise that this book will be soon exposed to me as a pack of lies, in Krakauer's 'Three Cups of Deceit'...
CUT Series of images of Jess reading in various spots around New Zealand.

It is fairly quiet as some read, The bus is empty as some have left for a 3 day hike. Elien and Jess snack away, sharing their goodies. Jess feeds her buddy veggies and hummus, Eilen passes the crackers. They both lie down to read. Elien is reading her ‘Into the Wild’ book but it vexes with her head, swapping from English language to Belgium and she curls up like a cat and watches out the window. Jess throws her legs up the window and continues on with her reading marathon.
Alright Jess. You do get yourself in some strange positions.
(Jess shrugging and smiling)
I am comfy.
Well seeing as I a have been unsuccessful at getting a sleep selfie with you, I will have to get a different picture.
Plonking himself on Jess, she acts non perplexed and continues reading. When he grabs her head and pretends to eat her, that is when she laughs and collapses under the weight upon her chest.
(in a soppy manner with puppy dog eyes)
Who is the most beautiful girl in the world?
Paul!Shut up!
Why don’t you believe me when I say that?
Thank you, Paul. I am learning how to accept compliments. It is very flattering but I am well aware that there are a lot of girls that you seem to like. (raises eyebrows and looks bemused)
Cut to a montage of images where Paul is seen snuggling into Marie and a fast forward to when Jess has seemingly left the trip, a series of new campers.
His true loves, though, are Chuck and his tent buddy, Alfredo.
Cut to a montage of images where Paul is seen snuggling into Marie and a fast forward to when Jess has seemingly left the trip, a series of new campers.
Elien and Jess stage a selfie in front of a group of staring cows. They are clearly good friends and appear to be on a lone mission of some sorts. This is the real love story of the trip.
(gliding effortlessly down the hill)
Wooooo hooooo! Yeah, girl!
(not as adrenaline loving but embracing the downhill adventure after a slog up hill)
Do you reckon we are almost there?
Yes. Thanks for coming with me, girl. I hope it is there. So much.
I support love and those in love! At one time I did not, Elien. I wanted to throw things at couples. But I am a lover of love now.
The girls cycle fast along the deserted road and come to a sign for 'White Water Rafting', they turn and throw down their bikes when they arrive at a small hostel.
(heading straight up the steps and to the door) I hope it is open, girl. Amy said not till 10!
Elien looks surprised when the patio door slides open and she heads straight for a picture frame hung on the wall. She takes it off, muttering hopeful words to herself and is thrilled as she turns to Jess.
I cannot believe it! It is here!
(taking photographs as Elien is in complete ecstasy) I hope you do not mind, Elien, but this will be great for the blog! Come on, sit out here to read your note and I will give you some privacy.
Elien begins to read the note. Her boyfriend was at this spot months previously and had left this love letter for her to find during her trip in New Zealand.
Jess stares at the mountains and turns back to gauge Elien's reaction. She is wiping her eyes and on the way down to join Jess.
It says so many beautiful things. How much I am loved, how happy he is to have met me...
Jess is crying too and the girls begin to head back to camp.
Thanks for coming, girl. Means a lot.
That's what friends are for! It was an awesome trip; thank you for sharing.
Camera pans, fades in and out of all the varying activities that the Flying Kiwis take part in.
Camera pans, fades in and out of all the varying activities that the Flying Kiwis take part in.
It is Jess's last night,she will be left in Queenstown. Others too part their ways here. Many Flying Kiwis continue with their tour. Monja, a Flying Kiwi intern is celebrating her birthday and a night on the town,tying in perfectly with the good byes that follow.
The Flying Kiwis bid farewell, hugging and exchanging words. Jess saves Emma, Paul and Elien for last.
(hugging Paul and pressing a red foil wrapped chocolate into his hand) It has been awesome meeting you, Paul. Don't ever give up on love, you have a big and beautiful heart.
(cutting in for a hug) Oh, girl! I am going to miss you!
(pressing a chocolate bunny into her hand) Here is a konijntje!
Elien has been teaching Jess Dutch and this is one shared word they have enjoyed: a bunny, a small one.
(her earnest nature, kindness is felt in a strong hug) I loved that yoga class this morning and thank you, thank you for our time.
It is clear the girls have had some connection, shared moments and conversations that have been private and meant something to them both.
(pulling away and looking at her) I would love to see you in Cambridge.
The last good bye takes Jess by surprise. It is Luke, a Scottish guy that is travelling with his lovely girlfriend, Lauren. What has amused the group and the couple to no end, is their 'adoptive' daughter they accumulated when they joined the trip- Nicole, a young Singaporean girl that took the the couple. Where she lacked manners (possibly lost in translation/culture and youth), she had strength- she trains heavily back home and for a slip of a thing, wowed the group with a set of 400 press ups and a series of planks. Luke appears out of nowhere.
(enveloping Jess in a hug and speaking in her ear) You are a free spirit.
(evidently touched by his words, looking at him) And you are a true gentleman.
The Flying Kiwis head off, leaving Jess and Jonathan waving good bye.
Sweeping music as the camera pans away from the pair. A panoramic view of Queenstown and then a dissolve into an image of the group together.
Fade into a mountain image, where the snow appears like the finest fluffed icing atop a a cake.
New Zealand: An Epic(Frozen)Wonderland
This was brilliant - sounds like you met a really lush group of people xxxxx