Blogging has been a bit of secondary journey, alongside the travels. I only now begin to relinquish sensitivity to criticism or comment; Mama Wolff tells me that she found my ‘Once Upon A (Fiji) Time’ a little long, Mama Jones confessed (although a regular and dedicated reader) that I lose her in many of my whimsical meanderings and I know some of my nearest and dearest do not find the time to take in my words. I doubt whether I should ever have enough constructive power to achieve anything beyond isolated character studies, wordy descriptive musings or the loose stringing together of picturesque episodes. However, I have to admit that I have enjoyed reading back my stories. Fearing I may cringe at my written word, like an embarrassing diary entry, I have avoided rereading blogs. But I am pleasantly surprised. I relish in my own stories; they hold treasured moments, so much more powerful because of the details recounted. The particulars could easily have been lost in time and memory. But, I recognise a more instantaneous blog is a (shorter) more relevant one, so I endeavour to continue with this writing approach. However, a few weeks ago I attempted something different, that my dedicated readers can endure and perhaps some of my Flying Kiwi comrades too.
As I sat in Sydney Airport, knowing sleep would not be my friend, I began knocking out a blog in the style of a film script. Maybe I was becoming boring with my flowery, wordy prose, picturesque episodes and character studies so I tried something different in my delirium. Also, I was struggling to write about New Zealand. Strange. This country is so breathtaking that any adjectives I would throw at the scenery here would seem comically inappropriate. The film script attempt was also spurred on by the fact the landscape has hosted many a film crew but also by the perplexing way I felt here. Yes, this country is epically beautiful, with natural wonders- geo thermal pools, glacier lakes, but it has a Disney-esque feel for me. It is like a playground of natural perfection for lovers of the outdoors. Jeremy, who I meet later in Australia, is a reassuring new friend. He felt much the same in this wondrous country- a little disconnected in its picture perfect nature. He tells me they drop a type of cyanide on the mountains to control the amount of possums (their destructive habits evidently not conducive with the pristine nature one expects here). Undeniably, the nature is other worldly here; backdrops and scenery...well, my words are unworthy. (So no lengthy blog!!) There was a kinship I could not find with the country. Something simply did not resonate. I felt more in nature, awe and wonder throughout other spots in the world. The hikes of Cape Breton; the trees surrounding me in Nova Scotia; the ancient rain forests of Haida Gwai; my bare feet on the red rocks of Sedona; the jungles of Fiji. I can not feel bad about that. But for a while I have. Desiring to present my truths and perspectives via the blog, channeling my memories and feelings, I can not leave this out. But I did have an amazing time, met wonderful people, had precious moments and beheld some views of extraordinary beauty.
One thing that hit me when I arrived in New Zealand was the cold. The cold would feature throughout my travels here. In an ignorant fashion, I had neglected to research and arrived on the brink of spring. I believed I would arrive in summer and was unprepared. An expensive trip to an outdoor clothing shop, thermals, socks, a fleece, waterproof trousers and a pair of combats later, I thought I had at least armed myself for the potential conditions I may face (stipulated clearly in my emails detailing itineraries and kit lists). Later I would use two sleeping bags, buy two hot water bottles, borrow gloves and wear every item I owned- freezing in a tent was not pleasurable! The warmth of the Fijian sun was soon forgotten. Moments in warmer weathers along our traverse tour of the North and South were basked in by all Flying Kiwis (organised tour group which leans towards the outdoors and adventure). The Flying Kiwis, that is the people I travelled here, I completely fell in love with. They are the stars, within this picture perfect film set, that made this experience and time absolutely wonderful.
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