I left Amsterdam, early on a Saturday morning on very little sleep (soooo unlike me, but when leaving drinks are arranged in your honour with a few very special people, it would have been un-princesslike to retire early!). I packed the last bits, looking around at Eve's apartment for one last time. The sky was blue, the Overtoom quiet, apart from our early morning whispers and the song of the birds. Eve and I parted at the bus stop just around the corner. It was emotional but the plan is to meet in Vietnam, maybe for Christmas, so that took the edge off good-bye. The bus went by some familiar and beloved haunts: Vondel Park (gorgeous in the early morning light), Leidsplein, the streets and buildings around. I was feeling pretty emotional; that stirring from closeness to people, coupled then with the prospect of being apart, missing them but at the same time feeling enriched from the time shared. I realised thinking back to the good byes in Morocco and Manchester that this would be a pattern on my trip. However these whimsical musings were dashed as the next stop picked up hordes of travellers who squished onto the bus. They were crowding my space, my view, my open heart, forcing my (still annoyingly heavy) bag hard into my back. And then a message from Eve revealed she had found Magic Leon on the doorstep on her return! He had come to take me to the airport- such a beautiful thought and gift. Narrowly missing me, his ability to move through time and place not quite magical enough on this early morn. Whimsical travelling feeling restored by his kindness, I enjoyed getting rid of my bag and sat, drinking coffee, reading and people watching at Schipol Airport.
Flying from Amsterdam to London: 50 minute journey and arriving at the same time you flew from Holland. Like it never happened...
Mama Wolff and Richard enjoying London |
Cut to London. Back in England, and although at home entirely in Holland, everything was that much easier. Meeting Mama Wolff and Richard in St Pancras for coffee, lunch and catch up, I tried not to be the irresponsible brat that stayed up too late and was tired and cranky for the one day she had with her

parents. I let the coffee, London in the sunshine and time with my close ones pick me up. Resident Londoner, Katie Parrott met us in Covent Garden for a drink, Fee De Hoog just happened to be in London for the weekend so she joined us for our family day (she is in fact honorary daughter: Mama Wolff almost prefers her to me- she drinks wine more regularly and always has lovely make up and brushed hair; has sibling disputes with Steph and Adam- they got her so drunk on my leaving party that she missed her flight the next day, she swears they were trying to ruin her life). Like spoilt children (that can drink alcohol), we were treated to wine, a gorgeous dinner at Caravan, cocktails and for me a perfect bracelet to take on my travels.
So chatting with my nearest and dearest the next morning at the airport: Steph, Roomie, my bestie Moy
was pretty much the icing on the cake, deal sealed before the World Wide Ticket starts. I was looking
forward to the flight; the time in the air like the bridge to the next adventure. Lydia Wilson (friend for now 21 years!), here I come to share your NYC life. Arriving this time in much different circumstances. Not for 5 days over half term and on the brink of a hurricane, but for a month or two on a wave of happiness, freedom and forecast sunshine.
So from Old Amsterdam to the New, with a dash of London between, I settled back in my seat and from the airplane window I cast my eyes over London and England for one last time...
The very next day I shrieked with pleasure to realise that I was only two blocks away from Amsterdam Ave. |
We had such a lovely time with you - and you did manage to drink quite a lot....... love the photos xxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteNot only drink a fair amount but the feast at Caravan was pretty epic. Moy Lanade, I do not know if Fee has informed you but we did have the most AMAZING caramel tart wit peanut butter ice cream and a slab of peanut brittle.... x x x x