Sunday 6 April 2014

10~The Light That Is In Me, I See Reflected in You

Lights are dimmed and our yin yoga becomes even more internalised as the candles flicker and the evening draws in. The starlight and glow of the moon is not strong enough to permeate the skylights. Pale white washed walls and the painted wooden floors of the studios reflect the candle light. Delight Studios of Amsterdam have indeed set a delightful scene, providing a yoga experience that is reflected in the name.

Some teachers seem to speak poetry; a beautiful language about letting go, being, accepting, surrendering. Sequences of asanas and vinyasa flows become stories in my mind. One session has a medley of yang postures: dragons, wild things, geckos, dogs, planks and cobras- they all flow and soar together. This story finds harmony, peace in the yin. Everything beautifully still, finding space in our bodies and the space all around. My mind and body are swimming in Chinese philosophy, meridians, chakras, asanas, meditations, breathing techniques, mudras. It is a pretty delicious pool to swim in.

Amsterdam on a whole has gone swimmingly, a pool of happiness, new friends and old; it has been a journey, spiritual in many ways- hell, with that much yoga, I was bound to feel in touch with my spiritual side (surely it would be almost criminal not to!). But being with a friend, who you can laugh, yoga, create, challenge, plan, converse, co-habit with, so seamlessly is precious and fills me with delight.
Utrect at night

My time in the Dam had to come to an end. The last week literally flew by. It entailed a trip to Utrecht: a Pottery class; Eve at an appointment and I wandering the streets and blogging in cafes; meeting up with her amazing friend Theo who brought us some puzzles as gifts (we are seemingly incredibly spoilt); finding a lovely spot for dinner and then movie night at home (we are masters at fitting a lot into one day and did have a schedule for each week). We had an art session; we created a collage of where we would be in the near and more distant future. We played worms with Konstantinus. He and Eve left me at the coffee shop alone, leading me to suspect that he too may be an accessory to the kidnapping plot that Magic Leon and Eve had been concocting to keep me here in Holland. My last day was lovely: a 10k run in Vondel Park (only 10k because I did not want to leave this park I had become so attached to so I did a 3rd lap), beautiful sunshine, a bike ride, Eve taking me to a surprise location for a beautiful lunch, our collage creation, the last supper at a Thai restaurant (we have been here each time I have visited Eve so it is a sort of feasting ritual), drinks at the Overtoom bar with Magic Leon and Konstantinus for a little farewell party. A kidnapping did not take place, but sneaky Eve produced a beautiful parcel- both her and Konstantinus had chosen a bracelet and earrings to commemorate the time we had. So the kidnapping ploy did not come to fruition and instead I would make my way to London bejewelled. SUPER SPOILT and SUPER TOUCHED. Magic Leon, where is my present? I presumed he could pull something out of his bag of tricks. But the physical gifts really were just representative of the beauty and light I felt inside, being reflected straight back at me from my friend Eve, my crush Konstantinus and my Magic Leon.  
Our collage gets pride of place in Eve's pad

Pottery class

Like the jigsaw we finished after our third session, life will continue to piece together. We will puzzle together again. We will use the power of our intentions and dreams to meet again. I am starting my Round the World ticket with some precious memories (and jewellery), an open heart (priceless), enriched, feeling blessed and blissful. 
So Carla, my Moroccan pal, when we discussed the meaning of Namaste, the definition provided by the gentle teacher that quiet night in our candlelit studio was the one that resonated in my ears, heart and my time in Amsterdam: the light that is in me, I see reflected in you.
Namaste to Holland (for now), the people and all living creatures within; the light that is me, I see reflected in you.


  1. This is beautiful, Jess. Can't wait for the next installment.......xxxxxxx

    1. Thanks, Mama Wolff! NYC certainly seems like a million miles away from my little Overtoom bubble but definitely getting into the swing of things. Off to the public library to do some writing today with Lyd x x x x x

  2. Wow Jess, you touch my heart.... thanks for being my friend, Holland misses you too!
